Rose Medley - 12 Staggered Premium Rose Bouquet
This modern and simply styled bouquet features a dozen roses arranged in a staggered formation.
Complemented by the addition of pampas grass.
35” height
No other filler flowers or greenery have been included.
Pick colour of roses from,
Red / Pink / White / Purple
Signature wrapping
This modern and simply styled bouquet features a dozen roses arranged in a staggered formation.
Complemented by the addition of pampas grass.
35” height
No other filler flowers or greenery have been included.
Pick colour of roses from,
Red / Pink / White / Purple
Signature wrapping
This modern and simply styled bouquet features a dozen roses arranged in a staggered formation.
Complemented by the addition of pampas grass.
35” height
No other filler flowers or greenery have been included.
Pick colour of roses from,
Red / Pink / White / Purple
Signature wrapping